All our products are rigorously quality checked before dispatch. In the unlikely event that you experience any problems, please call our sales team on 01623 528 760.
We will deal with your queries promptly, and if necessary we will arrange for a replacement product to be dispatched to you without delay.
Goods that have been delivered by courier should only be signed for if they have been received in good condition.
Please note that your signature constitutes an acknowledgement that the goods have been received in good condition.
- If the package appears to be damaged in any way, please write DAMAGED in the signature box.
- Please notify Europalite of any damaged goods immediately so that we can ensure that they are replaced as quickly as possible.
- Damage claims cannot be accepted any later than three days following the receipt of the goods.
No goods (unless delivered in an unsuitable condition to the buyer) may be returned without the prior written consent of Europalite.
Where Europalite consents to such returns, the goods must be received by Europalite in a saleable condition.
The buyer must agree to an administrative handling charge, equal to 15% of the goods returned value, prior to the acceptance of such returns.
All goods returned must be cleaned and packaged adequately by the buyer prior to despatch.
The buyer's attention is drawn to the brochures and literature provided in respect to the correct usage and applications of products supplied by Europalite.
The buyer is wholly responsible for checking that the goods purchased are appropriate for the correct usage or applications required of the goods.
The specifications of goods within this site, and relevant literature available, are correct to the best of the Europalite's knowledge.
Europalite reserves the right to change product specifications without notice and, whilst all reasonable care is taken to ensure that due notification is given to the buyer, the buyer is advised to check the exact specification of the required goods PRIOR TO PURCHASE.